Meeting our client, the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority, Feb 26

LGSETA hosted us in a hotel in Pretoria where we were all introduced face to face for the first time.  We had prior voice/video conversations about our scope of work and we'd also been supplied with a lot of background material on LGSETA processes and challenges.
Everyone was excited the first day of our engagement had finally arrived, and after lunch we went to a local LGSETA office to see where we would be working and to get started on interviews and preparing for our Design Thinking workshop, one week out.

By the next day, we got several interviews scheduled, and the local team escorted us out to a tasty lunch at Nando's (a first for me but folks from other countries were quite familiar with the chain).   Shortly after arriving the second day, our host, Idani, gently informed us that, in Africa, the custom is to greet everyone in the office before sitting down to work, a most civilized  practice we immediately embraced for the remainder of our stay.  The Mpumalanga Provincial office team have shared their space and taken good care of us, even to the extent of sampling some of Soren's challenging Danish candy (salty licorice called Haribo Piratos, or pirate coins) with grace.

Design Thinking

IBM has developed a process my team of 3 would be using for the first time.  The process steps we used are designed to identify the key personas of the end users you are trying to help so you can really understand the world as they see it.  We then ask the participants to flesh out an Empathy Map for each persona so we get a deeper understanding of how they think and feel about the process they are executing, including what they say about it and what they actually do.  Next we map the as-is process steps and again elicit how the user experiences each step.  These first 3 steps are all intended to draw out a deep understanding of where the main pain points (and opportunities) lie.  Then we brainstorm solutions and prioritize them.
